Strategic Partners

The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) is helping the private sector manage climate change risks and access opportunities. KEPSA has developed the Climate Business Information Network (CBIN), a network of interested firms that aims to help the private sector understand the risks and opportunities associated with climate change. In addition, KEPSA was engaged in the development of Kenya’s National Climate Change Action Plan.

(NCCAP), representing the private sector on the task force that oversaw the development of the plan. The NCCAP, developed under the leadership of the (then) Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, sets out actions to enable Kenya to reduce vulnerability to climate change and to improve our country’s ability to take advantage of the opportunities that climate change offers.

The NCCAP sets out actions to guide the government’s response to climate change and notes that private sector investment and support must be encouraged for results to be long-lasting. The private sector is expected to play a significant role in tackling climate change and supporting green economic growth. KEPSA will therefore play a midwifery role by encouraging all her members to participate in the 4C-Kenya project through an endorsement.

Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), is a representative of manufacturing and value-add industries in Kenya developed to create wealth at both corporate and individual levels by advocating for a competitive environment for businesses to operate, thereby creating better industries, growing the economy, creating jobs, and hence resulting in better standards of living for Kenyans.

Manufacturing organizations contribute significant amounts of GHG which impact adversely on the environment causing climate change impacts. KAM has been at the forefront of mitigating climate change through the establishment of strategic programs and centers including the Centre for Green Growth that seeks to deepen industries’ level interventions to become a one-stop solution for promoting circular economy, import-substitution, climate change actions, and financial linkages.

The Centre is also organizing expos and awards to recognize and award the best performing industries with respect to increasing awareness on energy efficiency, sustainability, renewable energy, and circular economy. Like KEPSA, KAM will play a very significant role in endorsing 4C-K to all its members to participate at a time when corporations are making climate change declarations ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, United Kingdom.